

心理学项目开始于1905年,由W.A. 克拉克,秘鲁心理学和教育学的前任校长. 克拉克教授在全州保持着很高的知名度. 同时还在秘鲁Normal公司工作, Clark participated in a 1900 symposium on the 历史 of 教育 in Nebraska at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the State Teacher's Association in Lincoln. In 1910 he addressed the annual meeting of the Nebraska State Institute on "General Preparation of Instructors.此外, he served on the state-wide committee that set the standards for major and minor requirements for First Grade Certificates. By 1915, 课程选择扩大, 查尔斯·埃米尔·本森, a UNL graduate and student of Professor Harry Kirke Wolfe (who established the first psychology 实验室oratory in the Midwest) implemented the study of the psychology of child development at Kearney Normal.


1921年,学院还成立了一个推广系, correspondence study directed by Ralph Noyer to keep teachers abreast of their profession and to inform college faculty of actual teaching problems in Nebraska 教育. 超过一半的教师在27个学习中心授课,最远到奥马哈, 北至伯韦尔, 向南是丹伯里. 起初,学生的费用只有住宿费和老师的差旅费, 但后来学院收取了每学时3美元的费用. One hour of credit demanded at least 15 lecture hours or eight written assignments in classes ranging from Interior Decoration and Football Coaching to College Algebra and 业务 心理学.


直到1968年,心理学的研究都是在教育和心理学部进行的.  The program was designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the psychological principles underlying teaching and learning. 除了教育心理学课程外,还教授普通心理学和应用心理学.

In 1968, 从KSTC的两个主要部门, 科学与数学学部和social科学学部, combined to form the School of Natural and Social 科学 and the Department of 心理学 was created within this new school. 一开始,教师队伍由Mr. 唐纳德Stumpff who had received a Masters degree from Creighton University in psychopharmacology and served as Acting Chair, 博士和. 利兰·阿萨是怀俄明大学的毕业生. 该专业包括16小时的核心课程,包括历史和心理学系统, 实验心理学, 生理心理学和应用统计学外加15个小时的选修课, 其中很多都是咨询和教育心理学系交叉列出的. An early concern was creating a departmental identity distinct form 教育 and 教育al psychology.

唐纳德·斯坦普夫一直担任系主任直到1972年, 到那时,教师人数增加到四人. Mr. Stumpff (who retired in 1982) was the department's founder and the annual “Outstanding Senior in 心理学” award bears his name. 在他主席任期结束时, 系里成立了Psi Chi分会:全国心理学荣誉协会. In 1977, 院系从校外的房子搬到了创始人大厅, 这样我们就可以巩固我们的教员办公室了, 实验室, 动物群落, 和教室.

Dr. 欧内斯特·马图什卡(欧内斯特Matuschka)从1972年至1979年担任该系主任. 在那段时间里, 尽管KSC的入学人数下降,随后的人数减少,但FTE的人数仍增加到6人. 当时,B.S. 有13个小时的核心课程外加19个小时的心理学选修课.

肯尼斯·Nikels, 内布拉斯加州大学的博士, 1979-1983年担任主席. 在他任职期间,该专业增加到35学时,其中核心课程为20学时. 更多部门成员(7名全职员工)完成或被聘用为博士.D.’s.  An important innovation at this time was the introduction of 实验室oratory courses to accompany advanced content courses.

In 1980, the department revised its curriculum so that scientific methodology was emphasized as a fundamental component of the field of psychology. The revision was designed to strengthen the core requirements and to add interdisciplinary tracks, 包括人文因素综合专业(90年代废弃), 精神生物学, 现在在博士的指导下. 埃文·希尔,辅修老年学.


1990年,理查德. 米勒被聘为系主任. Curriculum revision was undertaken that added 实验室 components to our core courses in statistics and 实验心理学 and to several advanced level content courses. 核心课程得到加强,以防止我们的专业过早专业化. 多年来, 科普兰厅, 建于1918年,作为校园体育馆, 已逐渐转换为教室使用. 最后是4美元.200万的项目改造了现有的空间,并建造了25,000平方英尺的新教室, 演讲大厅, 还有办公室和实验室. 心理学系成立于1996年,占据了大楼的整个三楼.

搬到科普兰大楼后,该系有了学生和教员的实验室, 儿童发展和生理心理学的专门实验室设施, 以及人类实验心理学. In 1991, our undergraduate students first presented the results of their empirical research at the Great Plains 心理学 学生' Conference and a significant aspect of the psychology student's experience at bet36365体育 was born. 目前, the majority of our undergraduate students present or publish the results of their research at regional conferences and in refereed journals. In 1999, the department received the University system's Outstanding Department Teaching Award.

2014年,Dr。. 埃文·希尔翻新了肯·尼克尔斯生理心理学实验室, 包括建造一个声音室来研究动物的听觉.